So. My first review. Here goes.
I have been sent a bag of Miracle-Gro Gro Your Own Herb Planter.
I thought it was a bit of a random introduction into the heady world of telling anyone who will listen what you think of stuff.
But actually it turned out to be quite useful.
We've been growing stuff in the garden and up at the allotment for forever now.
Our initial idea was to become self-sufficient.
But now, just growing a couple of flipping potatoes would be fine. The apocalyptic weather seems to have killed everything. What with that, and the bindweed infestation in the garden, my Penelope Keith dreams were quickly being dashed.
This is what we needed. A grow your own bag.
It was a dead easy solution.
You just cut open the top.
Stick the herbs in the gro bag.
And that's it.
Wait for them to grow.
And as I'm attempting to feed Nancy more experimental flavours, (by that I mean not just Laughing Cow cheese,) it could be an ace way to grow and add flavour to her food. It's a bit earth motherish as well, which is nice.
And it doesn't look like even I could kill them. But let's see...
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